Once the retaining wall and piers have been corrected and finished, the demolition and rebuilding of the above grade screening wall begins. Our custom cut galvanized angle irons and custom shipped brick match paired with Type S matching mortar allows for the columns to be repurposed through most of the wall.
All of the all of the screening wall panels and pocket columns in this neighborhood have been rebuilt due to rusted track wire and pier movement of the columns. You can see the accents on the panels and columns showing a variety of color chosen by the HOA from samples recommended by Brick & Stone Master.
We make quick work of removing the existing wall to clear the space for the new angle irons to support the new brick panels.
We coordinate efforts with each HOA and property to ensure the best available brick match is selected to meet their custom project.
Our brick are recycled at the landfill to be made one with earth once again after their lifespan is complete.
After demoing the panels to the ground, when accessible we will use our skid steer bucket to expedite the loading and hauling off of the old material.
We take price in being the best company with the most information to make the best decision for the community when it comes to brick matching.
These columns were drawn up by our design experts who submitted plans and drawings to then work with the city through the permitting process for the homeowner.
We take pride in our work during the project and ensure by the end, not a brick chip is left behind during cleanup.
This is one of our 2019 site plan neighborhoods. As you can see, we track the digression of the individual walls on an annual basis, only rebuilding the top priority each year. We can set expectations and future analysis cost as well throughout this process.
We separate all of the rusted wire carefully when demoing the existing panels so it can be recycled properly and safely.
Here you can see the amount of integrity loss due to the rusting ladder wire on the inside of the panel. This causes the mortar joints to deteriorate and without an angle iron support they will drop in the center.
We will work with HOA budgets when needed to optimize and prioritize the worst sections throughout the perimeter. You can see the old brick and the rusting ladder wire on the left panel, and the new brick with accents on the right. The skirt along the bottom was also eliminated to reduce future maintenance.
These perimeter walls have lost 100% of the integrity and now they must be built out of emergency necessity versus pro activeness. Cities will fine neighborhoods throughout DFW that allow their walls to deteriorate to this point and they become a major safety hazard to homeowners.
This is a new brick from mock panels built by Brick & Stone Master to match a 20 year old failing screening wall in Southlake, Texas.
It isn’t always easy to knock down and remove these walls when they are laced back into the adjacent columns or if they are 20’+ long like this panel is.
We measure out each bond to commercial standards and tool the mortar at the appropriate time.
Cast stone is an extremely porous material that swells, and when it does, breaks away from it surrounding material. We fixed this joint that has been previously repaired multiple times with a compound that will now last indefinitely.
We have decades of experience in removing the individual broken brick precisely with our tools. Once these brick are removed, the new expertly matched brick will be placed into the wall with a custom blended mortar for your property. These ratios are documented so we have the formula if another areas is noticed in the future.
We repair any mortar surrounding cast stone using a flexible polyurethane that is sanded for a mortar appearance due to the expansion of porous cast stone. After cleaning and repairing, we apply two coats of water repellent to keep the cast stone looking brand new.
We are experts in identifying water leaks that are penetrating through your masonry wall. We have multiple different procedures to address your issues and to stop your leaks.
We repair any mortar surrounding cast stone using a flexible polyurethane that is sanded for a mortar appearance. The joint to the left of the cast stone is polyurethane. We replaced all cast stone mortar joints on the front of the house.
Using polyurethane sealant in the continuous joint to allow for future movement. The elasticity provides a strong bond with over 200 PSI tensile strength.

After pressure washing and repairing the entire screening wall and all of the entryways we applied two coats of waterproofing sealant.